Literární soutěž - prodlužujeme uzávěrku do 31. března!📢

Dnes otevřeno: Pro dospělé: 8 - 18, Děti a mládež 8 - 17 Týdenní pracovní doba



Library in Semily was founded on November 16, 1864 as a part of the singer's and reader's club with financial support of all associations and institutions of the town. Separate reading room was opened in 1900; the town provided premises and financed its operation. Reading room took out subscriptions of most magazine coming out at that time. Library closed during the World War I. After 1919, library administration is taken over by the town in accordance to the public libraries law.

Residence change

Throughout its existence, library changed its residence for 17 times. In 1949, the library moves to the building of the former savings bank in Čapkova street where it resided for almost 50 years. In 1981 the library is placed in five different buildings around the town, which causes operational trouble.

Talk shows and cataloguing

Library has organized talk shows with writers since 1954. The following year marks the beginning of the book collections catalguing.

Under the same roof

In February 1999, library moved to a building with a garden in the Ke Stadionu street, where departments for adults, children and musical department were concentrated.

Regional functions

Municipal Library of Semily has been authorized by Regional Research Library in Liberec to perform regional functions since January 1, 2003. Formerly, these services were provided by the employees of District Library. After dissolving district council, both libraries were merged and a new department of regional functions was established. Three employees provided services to more than 70 local libraries of the former district. For lack of space, it was necessary to store the library collections separately in the basement of the State District Archives in Semily, which was rather inconvenient. The department was funded by Liberec region.

The Building Jitřenka

On the occassion of the Library week, the newly reconstructed building called Jitřenka was opened on October 2, 2010. It became home to library as well as the new cinema, café and TV Semily. After years of effort, finally, all the departments of the library reside under the same roof; the ground floor is the seat of the director and Regional Department, the first floor serves for Adult's department and the second floor is occupied by Children's department, with total area of 765 square meters.

History of Library in Semily - 150th anniversary (CZ)
Jak šel čas - Bc. Alena Matěchová (754.22 KB)

Library of Semily - as time went by...

Library premises in 71 Čapkova street in 1994